Think you need to have a restricted diet?... think again

Watch video for 3 fitness secrets 👇

Click The Button Below To Apply For My Online Coaching

After, We Will Schedule A Free 30 Min Call To Breakdown The System And Have It Customized Perfectly To Fit Your Needs.

(Value: $197)

✅ How to get your dream body without diet restrictions


✅ How to walk in a room without feeling subconscious about your body


✅ Say goodbye to confusing calorie counting and hour long cardio sessions


✅ The dirty truth about burning fat and building muscle, revealed…


✅ The little known secrets to achieve the body that sparks the most attraction that other trainers don’t want you to know 😳



When you’re in Shape, life gets better. You stand out from the crowd in a positive way, and walk through life with absolute confidence.
Looking in Shape, you have a secret advantage. It produces a ripple effect across your entire life. Your dating life transforms, confidence takes off 🚀, & opportunities flow to you like a river.
In addition, you feel amazing looking at yourself in the mirror and being comfortable in your own skin.
SVGE Performance is designed for Men & Women that want to live the life of their dreams. They want to take control of their life & the first step to doing that is getting into the best shape possible.


By taking control of your health, your day to day life will thank you.
Every day you will begin to feel amazing; more energized to finish tasks without feeling foggy headed, or like you’re dragging your feet.
You will be more motivated to keep up with your family and friends and not feel like you’re missing out on life.
As a results of taking control with both hands on your health, it will make sure that you will enjoy every part of life, for as long as possible


This is the most effective fitness program to peel off fat, gain perfect muscle proportion, and look/feel like a Greek God or Goddess. This is accomplished with just three to four carefully targeted workouts per week and the most enjoyable diet of your life. In fact, you can enjoy eating like this for the rest of your life because it’s sustainable.


Eight years ago I released version one of SVGE Performance. In just a couple of years, SVGE Performance handed out hundreds of trophies of the most impressive results in the fitness industry. In fact, no other fitness program in the world has come close to the results SVGE has produced.


Men that were overweight, bulky, average and even skinny fat – have followed the system to a tee to look like complete savages. Not only did they get insane results, but they did so in just 4-6 months.


As well as women that were unhappy in their own skin, overweight, no curves, average and skinny fat – followed the system to get slim and sexy, tighten and toned, and the perfect curves in the right places.


Now, many years of great research and studies have passed, so I put together a simple system that is proven to get you better and faster results based off of science.


Everything that I had to learn and master to achieve my physique goals, I will be downloading into your brain.


* Mr. Muscle & Fitness 2024 Finalist; One of the largest fitness magazines.

  • 12 Weeks Of Training for a Powerful and Attractive Body
  • ​Exclusive Access to My Fitness App
  • ​Full Guidance and Support Check-Ins
  • Skyrocket Your Confidence
  • Personalized Monthly Workout System
  • Train Only 3-4 Days a Week
  • Targeted Exercises That Create Skin Tightening Pumps
  • Increase Strength and Enhance Muscle Proportion
  • Your Own Custom Diet Plan to Quickly Peel Off Unwanted Fat
  • Enjoy NO Food Restrictions
  • 1-on-1 Coaching Directly with Deshawn
  • Daily Habit and Accountability Tracking (Bonus)
  • ​Detailed Video Walkthroughs of Workouts (Bonus)
  • Automatic Calorie tracking (Bonus)
  • Supplement Guide (Bonus)
  • Private Community Access With other members (Bonus)
  • ​An Additional +4 Weeks of Coaching to Define Your Physique (Bonus)

How To Get The Absolute Desired Body Without Spending Hours in The Gym In 12 Weeks Guaranteed!
(scientifically proven)

This 30 min Transformation Call Will Help You Understand What Your Goals Are And I Will Customize The System To Your Needs.

Bonus #1: Transformation call & customize (Value: $197)


Bonus #2: Daily Habit and Accountability Tracking (Value: $97)


Bonus #3: ​Detailed Video Walkthroughs of Workouts (Value: $50)


Bonus #4: Automatic Calorie tracking (Value: $58)


Bonus #5: Supplement Guide (Value: $32)


Bonus #5: Private Community Access With other members (Value: $15)


Bonus #6: ​An Additional +4 Weeks of Coaching to Define Your Physique (Value: $297)


Total Value: $746

For You: FREE


Click The Button Below If You’re Ready To Take Control Of Your Life and Be Coached Anywhere, Anytime, Right From Your Smartphone.


I know you’re serious improving your health and being in incredible shape, that’s why you’re here after all. And I know you want to come out of this period of isolation living your absolute best life.


If you’re still reading this – it probably means you haven’t locked in your spot yet. And it’s my duty to give you that last push, so that 12 weeks from now you look and feel your absolute best.


Don’t let yourself look back and have to realize: “it’s too late.”.


What’s scarier? Taking the first step to become the best version of yourself or being in the exact same spot 12 weeks from now? Don’t let it be too late to take control of your own life.


Right now, you have a choice.

This program is designed to get you into the best Shape in 12 weeks, and let me tell you, your life is going to transform. While everyone else is waiting for life to return to “normal”, we’re going to be leveling up and doing everything in our power to realize our dream life.


12 Weeks From Now…


• Wake up feeling happy with your body


• Have people around you look up to you


• Each day feel satisfied with your results & driven to keep pushing the envelope